Privacy Policy Statement Security & Privacy

This explains how Final Fencing uses and protects any information that you give to Final Fencing when you use our website or contact us.

Final Fencing is compliant with the current General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law, which means that the data we hold about you must be:

· Used in a lawful, fair and transparent manner

· Only collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes

· Relevant, adequate and limited only to the purposes for which it is processed

· Accurate and up to date

· Kept for no longer than is necessary

· Held in a secure manner, ensuring that the data is protected against unauthorised use, loss, misuse and disclosure

Personal Data Held

· Individual and Company names

· Contact information including addresses, telephone/mobile numbers, email addresses, fax numbers

· Financial data such as bank details (account number, sort code) which are only stored on our secure banking system and used for making payments

Personal Data Usage

Final Fencing will not use your data unless you have given us permission to do so and will only hold as much detail as is necessary to enable us to process transactions on your account. Your details will be used for some/all of the following:

· To provide or receive quotations

· To process orders and invoices

· To make payments

· To maintain our own records and accounts

Controlling/Sharing your Personal Information

Your personal information will only be stored within our secure computer and banking systems/databases. It will only be shared where it is necessary to complete any order or enquiry that you have placed with us. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to any third parties and we will only share data for the reason detailed above

Personal Data Storage

Final Fencing will make every endeavour to ensure that personal and financial data is only kept for as long as is necessary. We will determine the length of time that we keep it for based on minimum retention periods required by law or regulation, or if we determine that there is a legitimate, provable business reason for doing so.

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

You have the right to:

· Enquire why we hold your personal data

· Request details about the personal data we hold on you

· Know who has access to your personal data and how/where the data was obtained

· Have access to the personal data that you have provided us in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format

· Contact us and have any incorrect or out of date details corrected or removed from our systems

· Object to us using the personal data we hold on you. You can request that we limit this information or no longer use it and remove it from our systems. If your information cannot be removed for any reason (e.g. we are required to keep it for legal/regulatory purposes), we will contact you to confirm this

· Withdraw your consent to Final Fencing processing your personal data at any time. You can contact us by email or post, to request this

If you have any questions regarding our policy or the way your personal data is being used, please contact:

The Data Protection Controller

Final Fencing

33 Shady Nook



Tel 01252 681742

You can also obtain further information and assistance from the Information Commissioners Office:

ICO Wycliffe House

Water Lane
